Usenet Search » Usenet Search Engines

Search Engines Role in the Development of Internet

In an era of Information Technology and Internet, when some one wants any information then where should he goes, the answer is search engine. Without search engines the internet would be like a jungle of websites where no body knows where to find its destination. The search engines has transformed the whole world of internet as never before.

Now the search engines has become not only the source of finding useful information on the world wide web but they are also proving to be as a medium of advertisement to publishers. The search engines are also proving to be a good medium for online marketers to market their products and services. The search engines has evolved the internet as never before. In other words we can say that search engines are soul-driving force in the development and expansion of Internet.

Information technology depends on the search engines both directly and indirectly.

In the coming time the search engines will play bigger roles in the growth of Network of networks (Internet).

Search engines are emerging technologies and are here to stay till the Internet is alive.

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Author's Educational Achievements
Masters in Business with Specialization in Marketing and Information Technology
Bachelors in Electronic Science


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